What Is Intrauterine Fetal Demise?
Intrauterine fetal demise occurs when a baby dies in utero (in the mother’s womb) after 20 weeks of gestation (the development period of a fetus).
Intrauterine fetal demise is not the same as a miscarriage, which is a death in the womb before 20 weeks of gestation.
“Stillbirth is one of the most common adverse pregnancy outcomes, occurring in 1 in 160 deliveries in the United States.”
While the causes of intrauterine fetal demise are not always apparent, there are risk factors that doctors can screen for, diagnose, and monitor throughout the pregnancy.
If a doctor doesn’t recognize pregnancy complications that can result in IUFD, they may be responsible for the loss of your baby.
If you lost a child to stillbirth and believe it was caused by medical negligence, you may have legal options that could mean getting the justice you need to begin the healing process.
The Birth Injury Justice Center works with an extensive network of top medical malpractice attorneys who can help families in all 50 states.
Our legal partners have helped families recover over $1 billion for families affected by preventable medical mistakes during childbirth, including IUFD.
Get a free case review right now to find out if we may be able to help your family.
10 Facts About Intrauterine Fetal Demise
Understanding intrauterine fetal demise is essential for awareness and prevention.
Here are 10 key facts about IUFD:
- Approximately 6 out of every 1,000 births in the United States result in stillbirth.
- Black women in the U.S. experience IUFD at twice the rate of white women.
- Placental problems like placental abruption account for 10-20% of all stillbirths.
- Teenagers and women over 35 face a higher risk of stillbirth.
- High blood pressure can increase the risk of stillbirth by up to five times.
- Infections during pregnancy cause up to 25% of intrauterine fetal death.
- Multiple pregnancies (twins or more) have a higher risk of stillbirth.
- Obesity (BMI over 30) significantly increases the risk of stillbirth.
- Pregnant women with a previous IUFD are at higher risk in subsequent pregnancies.
- Gestational diabetes leads to a higher rate of stillbirths.
If you’ve experienced the tragic loss of your child due to poor medical care, knowing these facts can help you identify potential negligence and seek justice.

Intrauterine fetal death occurs in 5.74 of every 1,000 live births.
Causes of Intrauterine Fetal Demise
In many cases, it’s difficult to know the exact cause of intrauterine fetal death. Congenital anomalies (birth defects) and other factors often play a role in these catastrophic events.
Possible causes of stillbirth may include:
- Genetic abnormalities
- Inability of the fetus to properly develop due to problems with the placenta
- Ruptured uterus, which can lead to severe bleeding and suffocation
- Umbilical cord complications
Doctors should thoroughly screen, test, and monitor the mother and the baby to address any potential issues that could lead to intrauterine fetal demise.
Intrauterine fetal death cannot always be prevented. However, finding out why a stillbirth happened can be important for closure. It can also help reduce the risk of future pregnancy complications.
How Do I Know What Caused My Stillbirth?
To determine the cause, your health care provider will review your medical records and the circumstances surrounding the loss. They may perform tests on your baby, umbilical cord, or placenta.
- Infection tests: Samples of your urine, blood, or cells from your vagina or cervix may be taken to check for maternal infections.
- Blood tests: These tests can identify if you have any conditions that might have led to complications during pregnancy.
- Genetic tests: A sample of the umbilical cord may be tested to check for congenital abnormalities that could have caused the stillbirth, like Down syndrome.
- Autopsy: This surgical procedure allows a medical professional to examine the baby’s organs to determine the cause of death. You have the right to choose or refuse an autopsy and specify how invasive it will be.
Unfortunately, the causes of IUFD are not always known. However, some stillbirths may have been prevented with proper medical care.
If you suspect negligence caused you to lose your child, you likely have many unanswered questions. The Birth Injury Justice Center has experienced labor and delivery nurses on staff who are here to help.
They can listen to your story in confidence and help you understand what may have gone wrong.
Connect with a registered nurse right now.
Intrauterine Fetal Demise Risk Factors
When health care providers are able to determine the cause of intrauterine fetal death, it usually falls into one of 3 categories of risk factors: placental, fetal, or maternal.
Learn more about the risk factors of stillbirth below.
1. Placental Risk Factors
Overall, placental abnormalities account for 10-20% of intrauterine fetal demise cases.
- Fetomaternal hemorrhage (placenta transfers blood from the fetus to the mother)
- Placental abruption (separation of the placenta from the uterus wall)
- Placental insufficiency (not enough oxygen and nutrients getting to the fetus)
- Premature rupture of membranes (when the amniotic sac surrounding the fetus bursts open; also called PROM)
- Umbilical cord accident (compression, twisting, knotting, and other problems)
These risk factors are not the direct cause of intrauterine death. However, they are all complications that can lead to intrauterine fetal demise, which is why it is vital for a doctor to monitor them throughout the mother’s pregnancy.
2. Fetal Risk Factors
Issues with the fetus and its development can also cause intrauterine fetal demise.
- Contracting an infection from the mother, like fifth disease or listeria, while in the womb
- Hereditary or genetic developmental abnormalities
- Multiple fetuses in the womb at one time
- Slow growth in the womb (also called fetal growth restriction, or FGR)
While problems with the fetus are a common reason for stillbirth, they are not the only cause. Issues related to the mother may also play a role.
3. Maternal Risk Factors
Sometimes, IUFD is caused by an issue with the mother’s health. However, maternal risk factors account for the fewest intrauterine fetal deaths.
- Advanced maternal age (35 years or older)
- Diabetes that is poorly controlled
- Different blood type than the child
- Hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Obesity
- Preeclampsia or eclampsia (high blood pressure, protein in the urine, and seizures)
- Pregnancy lasting longer than 42 weeks
- Ruptured uterus
- Use of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco during pregnancy
Unfortunately, intrauterine fetal demise rates for non-Hispanic Black women are almost double those of non-Hispanic white women.
Women with high-risk medical conditions should be monitored carefully by their doctors to reduce the chance of stillbirth.
A doctor could be at fault if they don’t monitor a high-risk pregnancy and IUFD occurs as a result.
Call us right now at (800) 914-1562 to learn if you qualify for financial assistance to help you heal both emotionally and physically.
Signs and Symptoms of IUFD
Intrauterine fetal demise can happen to anyone. Therefore, knowing common fetal demise symptoms is important for anyone who is pregnant.
One of the most important things expectant mothers can watch for is how often their child moves.
- Cramping
- Infection or high fever
- No fetal movement or heartbeat on ultrasound
- Pain in the abdomen
- Vaginal bleeding or spotting
Since the symptoms of stillbirth can be similar to other medical conditions, you should always check with your doctor if you suspect something is wrong.
What Is the Earliest Sign of Intrauterine Fetal Death?
In most cases, one of the first signs of intrauterine fetal death is when a mother no longer feels her baby moving.
Most women start feeling their baby move regularly around 20 weeks into pregnancy. If these movements suddenly decrease or stop, it could be an early warning sign.
Cleveland Clinic recommends that expectant mothers do a daily “kick count” beginning at around 26 to 28 weeks.
Ideally, you should be able to feel 10 kicks in a two-hour window.
You should familiarize yourself with your baby’s movements to learn what is normal. If your baby stops moving as they had been, call your doctor right away or go to the nearest emergency room.
Diagnosing Intrauterine Fetal Demise
An obstetrics (pregnancy) specialist can diagnose intrauterine fetal death by evaluating your symptoms and running tests to see if there are signs of life in the womb.
- Doppler velocimetry: Sound waves are used to determine whether blood is moving through the fetus, uterus, and placenta.
- Non-stress test: An electronic fetal monitor is used to check for a heartbeat while the mother is lying down.
- Ultrasound: Images of the uterus are used to check for signs of movement and life.
Even though it may be an extremely difficult experience, doctors encourage mothers to be involved in the IUFD diagnosis process so they can understand what may have gone wrong.
Seeing that the baby has no heartbeat may help the mother emotionally process the loss of her child.
Because the cause of the IUFD may be placental, fetal, or maternal, the doctor will normally review all three aspects. This means the mother will likely undergo a series of tests to determine if she has any underlying conditions that need treatment.
If you lost a child to stillbirth and were not properly diagnosed, it could mean your doctor missed symptoms of IUFD or even caused your stillbirth to happen.
A skilled birth injury lawyer can help your family get to the bottom of what happened. You deserve closure and justice.
Call us right now at (800) 914-1562 or Click to Live Chat to see if we can connect you with a top birth injury attorney near you.
Intrauterine Fetal Demise Treatment Options
Once stillbirth is confirmed, the doctor will present options for termination of pregnancy and inducing labor.
This doesn’t have to happen right away. Parents can take time to grieve the loss of their baby before induction of labor.
If the mother is carrying multiple children, she can wait until they are fully developed and can be delivered safely.
- Dilating the cervix to remove the fetus through the birth canal
- Inserting a catheter into a vein (IV) to give medicine that starts contractions
- Performing a cesarean section (C-section) to remove the baby
- Using medicine to start labor and deliver the fetus naturally
The decision of how to deliver a stillborn baby is a very personal one, and the mother will be able to choose which option she prefers. The obstetrician will discuss the potential side effects of each method, which may include cramps, heavy bleeding, and damage to the uterus.
However, it is critical to seek treatment for IUFD. Keeping a stillborn fetus inside the uterus for too long can cause severe blood loss and infection.
Coping After Stillbirth
The period after a stillbirth is highly emotional, with many parents experiencing overwhelming feelings of sadness, guilt, anger, and helplessness. It’s crucial for parents to have a support system to help them through this time.
If you’ve lost a child to IUFD, you may find comfort in talking about the experience with a counselor, family and friends, or a support group. Finding ways to remember your baby after a pregnancy loss may also help with the grieving process.
Parents can preserve their child’s memory by:
- Donating to a charity in their name
- Holding a memorial or funeral service
- Keeping ultrasound photos
- Saving a copy of their handprint or footprint
If you have unanswered questions about losing your child to stillbirth, the Birth Injury Justice Center may be able to help.
We have a team of labor and delivery nurses on staff who are here to listen to your story and help figure out what could have gone wrong. They’ll also let you know if it seems like you should speak with a lawyer.
There’s no cost or obligation to talk with one of our registered nurses — connect with us right now.
Get Legal Help for Stillbirth Due to Medical Negligence
Mistakes by doctors can potentially lead to intrauterine fetal demise. If you believe your doctor did not provide proper care — or that their treatment, or lack thereof, was negligent — financial compensation may be available to you.
The Birth Injury Justice Center partners with top birth injury attorneys who are experienced in handling these complex cases. Our legal partners can help you pursue justice and financial aid if you qualify.
The lawyers in our network have helped families recover over $1 billion for preventable birth injuries, including IUFD. We can help families in all 50 states, so don’t hesitate to reach out.
Call us at (800) 914-1562 right now or get a free case review to learn more about your options.
Intrauterine Fetal Demise FAQs
What is the main cause of IUFD?
The main cause of intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD) is often unknown.
Common factors include:
- Genetic abnormalities in the baby
- Infections during pregnancy
- Maternal health issues like high blood pressure
- Problems with the placenta
Sometimes, IUFD could have been prevented with proper medical care. If you suspect you lost your child due to a health care provider’s negligence, you may have legal options, and the Birth Injury Justice Center may be able to help.
How common is fetal demise?
Sadly, intrauterine fetal demise affects about 24,000 babies every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
That is more than 10 times as many deaths as those that occur from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
How can intrauterine fetal death be prevented?
While some cases of intrauterine fetal death (IUFD) can not be prevented, there are ways to reduce the risk.
The risk of IUFD can be reduced by:
- Addressing any infections promptly
- Avoiding smoking and alcohol
- Ensuring proper nutrition
- Managing maternal health conditions
- Maintaining regular prenatal care
- Monitoring fetal movements
Early detection and intervention of pregnancy complications also play a crucial role.
If you think medical professionals could have prevented you from losing your child, you may be able to take legal action.
Call us right now at (800) 914-1562 to find out how we can help.
What is the difference between a miscarriage and a fetal demise?
The key difference is the timing of the pregnancy loss. Miscarriage happens earlier, whereas fetal demise occurs later in the pregnancy.
A miscarriage typically refers to the loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks of gestational age, while fetal demise, also known as stillbirth, occurs after 20 weeks.
What is the difference between IUFD and stillbirth?
Both intrauterine fetal death (IUFD) and stillbirth are terms used to describe the death of a baby after the second trimester of pregnancy, beginning at about 20 weeks.
There are three types of IUFD, categorized by when the baby died during pregnancy:
- Early stillbirth: Between 20 and 27 weeks
- Late stillbirth: Between 28 and 36 weeks
- Term stillbirth: At or after 37 weeks
How do you manage intrauterine fetal death?
If intrauterine fetal death happens before labor begins, there are generally three options for removing the baby:
- Cesarean section (C-section)
- Inducing labor with medicine
- Natural birth
Doctors usually recommend induced labor as the safest option after a stillbirth. However, each patient should be offered the option of making their own decision.